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Since last Thursday, El Deseo has been celebrating the well-deserved Nobel Prize awarded to Canadian writer Alice Munro. This beautiful octogenarian has been thrilling and surprising me for years. In “The Skin I Live In” I pay her a hermetic homage. At the beginning of the film, when Marisa Paredes places on a turnstile the tray that Elena Anaya’s character will receive in her gray prison, I added a book so that reading would make her captivity more bearable. A book that troubles, fascinates and thrills the reader, and remains with him afterwards. A faithful supporter and a treasure, something that would help her keep living. Vera, Elena Anaya’s character, is permitted very few possessions in her grey prison by her captor, one of those possessions is the great “Runaway”, the best short story book from the recent Nobel Laureate, Alice Munro. One of my dreams is to turn one of her stories into a film. How pleasant it is to wake up to the news of the Nobel being awarded to her, Alice Munro, authentic queen of the brief narrative, but with an intense and unilimited reach. Her stories are as simple as they are turbulent. Congratulations, Mrs.Munro.

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